Pastor’s Pen

Welcome to July! This month, we will be looking at four different prophets: Ezekiel, Amos, Jeremiah, and Elisha. I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to relate to the Old Testament prophets. They lived long ago in a time that I can’t understand and in circumstances that I can’t comprehend. This month, we’ll explore how we connect to these prophets and how our faith can be shaped by them. What lessons might we learn from these prophets and how can we relate to them today?

On the first Sunday of the month (July 7), we will, of course, celebrate the sacrament of communion. We will also meet Ezekiel and read his call from God to be a prophet. In this passage, God acknowledges that the people may refuse to hear God’s word because they are rebellious. Just as God called Ezekiel, we are called by God, and we have to choose how we respond to that call.

On the second Sunday of the month (July 14), we will build on our lesson from Ezekiel and look at what Amos has to share with us. In our passage (Amos 7:7-15), Amos is at work as a prophet. Like many of us, he is learning his job as he does it. When Amos was challenged by a priest, his response helps us to think about how we live our lives and what shapes our actions.

On the third Sunday of the month (July 21), we will be introduced to Jeremiah. In this week’s passage (Jeremiah 23:1-6), Jeremiah is sharing God’s message about those shepherding God’s flock. This passage paints a different picture of a good shepherd than Psalm 23. How does God teach us to care for His people in these passages?

Finally, on the last Sunday of the month (July 28), we will look to Elisha. Our final passage (2 Kings 4:42-44) brings us a reminder that God provides for us all the time. This story of feeding a crowd is more than meeting literal needs, but also an example of how we can care for people through building relationships.

I hope that you enjoy learning about each of the prophets we are focusing on this month! There are also some great opportunities to participate in the life of the church in the next few weeks with the Deacons’ Flea Market on July 20 and Bunco on July 26. I’m looking forward to all July has to offer us at GPC!


Pastor Emily